Entertainment Magazine: Entertaining Tucson Vol. 1

Publishing Title Holdings

Copies of the newspapers used in this compilation are available, in print and on microfilm, at the University of Arizona Library Special Collections, Tucson, Arizona. Some early editions are available on microfilm nationwide in public libraries. Published by Robert E. Zucker.

Title/Record / Catalog / Editions/ Publishers

1. Youth Alternatives HQ799.73.T9 M3 No. 1 (Sum. 1978); no. 2 (Fall 1978) Tucson YWCA, PCJJC, 1978Desc: 1 v: ill ; 44 cm. Loc: UA Special Collections (Oversized)

2. Youth Awareness Press HQ799.73.T9 M3 Autumn 1978-Winter 1980-81 YWCA, Youth Services (1978-1980) OCLC 4479925 (period) Desc: 3 v.: ill ; 28-44 cm. Issue 3 (winter 1978-79)

3. Youth Awareness Press Micro-film 3501 PN4888.U5 U49

1963-1984 Underground Newspaper Collection; Underground Press Syndicate, UPS. [1] 1979- OCLC 7983175 Microfilm: Roll 4: V. 2, no 4, v. 3, no 1-3 (1980) reel 343

4. Tucson Teen HQ799.73.T9 M31 Summer 1981-Mar. 1982; May 1987 Southwest Alternatives, 1981, 82, 87 ISSN: 1044-954X Desc: 2 v. : ill ; 43 cmOCLC: 7868864

5. Tucson Teen OCLC: 10857773 Microfilm (Underground Newspaper Collection; UPS) SAI, Inc., 1981-1982

6. Tucson Teen Magazine HQ799.73.T9 M32 1984 IN LIBRARY Southwest Alternatives Institute, Inc., 1982-1983 OCLC: 11377638 27-44 cm

7. Magazine 1985 HQ799.73.T9 M32 v5 1984, v6 1985, v7 1986, v8 1987 Southwest Alternatives,1982-1985 ISSN: 0742-9568 Issued: Vol. 5, no. 3 (Aug-Sept 1982)-v. 8, no. 4 (March 1985)

8. Magazine OCLC: 10857843 Microfilm 3501 v5, n 3 (9/82) (Underground Newspaper Collection, UPS)

9. Tucson Entertainment HQ799.73.T9 M32 May-Nov. 1987. 37 cm SW Alternatives Institute, 1987 OCLC: 137357054

10. Entertainment Magazine HQ799.73.T9 M32 Apr 1985- SW Alternatives Institute, Inc., 1985- ISSN: 0883-1890 v8 1987; v9 1988; v10 1989; v11 1990 OCLC: 12210770

11. Entertainment & Dining Guide Magazine Feb-March 1992, May-June 1992; -Sept. 1992 HQ799.73.T9 M32 35 cm (no WorldCat; OCLC record; UA SC only) Community Media Servicesthru SAI

Robert E. Zucker OCLC: 4779622841 Publisher, educator: Instructor, Journalism UA, 1985-2005. Publisher, SAI, Inc,


Entertainment Magazine ID: 28573 State of Arizona. Robert Edward Zucker 109240; SAI 109241 4/1/1985

Tucson Teen ID: 28574 State of Arizona. Robert Edward Zucker 109242; SAI 109243 6/1/1981

Internet Resources (WorldCat)

A. Teen on-line ISSN: 1088-0984 eJournal/eMagazine April 1996 OCLC: 34523047

B. Entertainment magazine On-Line: EMOL ISSN: 1087-8971 eJournal/eMagazine print out vol. 2, No. 3 March 11, 1996; OCLC: 34522805

C. EMOL: Entertainment Magazine On Line OCLC: 44311457 eJournal/eMagazine publisher Entertainment Magazine

D. Phoenix, Arizona OCLC: 44301267 ebook Entertainment Magazine Online (EMOL)

E. Tucson, Arizona’s VirtualMall OCLC: 44291397 ebook Entertainment Magazine Online (EMOL)

Newsreal editions and microfilm at the University of Arizona Library Special Collections

Published by Jon Rosen

Mountain Newsreal 1974-1979 OCLC: 3520327 Microfilm, Underground Newspaper Collection

Mountain Newsreal 1976 Call: L9791 T891 M928 OCLC 7237673 Tucson, Arizona

Newsreal 1981- ISSN: 0730-224X OCLC: 7968988 Tucson, AZ. Jon Rosen. UA Library Special Coll.

Tucson Mountain Newsreal 1981- OCLC: 53216492 Microfilm, Underground Newspaper Collection

[1] Underground Newspaper Collection: 1960s Counterculture. Underground Press Syndicate. Wooster, Ohio; Bell & Howell. Microfilm copies available at most public libraries. Z6944.U5U53X.

Now Available From Amazon.com

Entertaining Tucson Across the Decades
Volume 1

by Robert E. Zucker

The local entertainment scene in Tucson, Arizona during the 1950s through 1985 was vibrant– from the ‘50s rock and roll of the Dearly Beloved to the ‘80s with the Pills, Giant Sandworms and everything in between– classic rock, disco, alternative, punk, hard core, country, swing and Big Band. Hundreds of bands and thousands of entertainers over three decades. Within these pages are the memories and the experiences of those people and places.

These are the original articles and interviews published in several local newspapers that covered the Tucson entertainment scene over the decades. Follow their stories through the years– the big breaks, record releases, hot performances and duds, break ups, tragedies, personal insights and struggles.

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2014 © Entertainment Magazine and BZB Publishing, Inc., Robert Zucker and Newsreal, Jonathan L.

All rights are reserved. These are the compiled works of contributed materials from writers and photographers previously published in the Tucson Teen, Magazine, Entertainment Magazine and Newsreal newspapers, and from Entertainment Magazine On Line (EMOL.org). No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher.

Permission is granted to use quotes and cite references to the contents in this book with proper credit noted: “Entertaining Tucson Across the Decades,” © 2014 Entertainment Magazine.”

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